Improving fuel economy not only saves money, but also benefits the environment by releasing fewer emissions into the air. What can you do to improve fuel economy? Reducing the amount of driving- carpooling, using public transportation, walking or riding a bike and combining trips- has the greatest effect on how much gas you use. There are also many things you can do when you DO drive. Here are a few simple suggestions:
- Make sure your tires are properly inflated. Underinflated tires have a higher rolling resistance on the road. This can increase fuel consumption by 3%. Tip: On the inside of the driver's door is a plate that has the correct tire pressure. Check tire pressure at least once a month.
- Clear out extra weight. Leave unnecessary items at home. Carrying extra weight in your vehicle can reduce your fuel efficiency.
- Keep speed steady and within the speed limit. When braking and accelerating excessively, your vehicle begins to lose fuel efficiency. Gently accelerate and plan your stops so that you can ease into them a bit. This really makes a big difference.
- Limit idling. Idling for long periods of time uses more fuel and produces more air pollution. Turn your vehicle off if sitting idle for more than a few minutes.
- Maintain a regular oil change schedule. Engine oil is responsible for lubricating your engine; keeping the parts seamlessly moving together. Clean engine oil also improves your engine performance, which can keep your fuel consumption at a minimum. Over time, your oil becomes dirty, depleted, oxidized, and contaminated—putting your engine and its performance at risk. Performing regular oil changes based on manufacturer recommendations can greatly affect your fuel efficiency.
Our experts at Old Town Auto Service are here to help you save at the pump! Call or stop by to ask your Service Advisor for ideas to improve your vehicle’s fuel economy.
Old Town Auto Service
Revised from content contributed by NAPA Service Assistant